Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Key Account Team (KAT) Essay

As a result of the recent meltdown in mortgage-backed securities market, C&B’s changed its internal processes so as to react competitively and increase its market share. Two key changes occurred: the creation of a Key Account Team (KAT) and the restructuring of the division-wide performance management system, which would help determine a salesperson’s annual compensation. Although there are some disadvantages to the new system, Winston should recommend the KAT concept to other regional managers. The new system not only helps managers have a well-rounded understanding of its salespeople’s performance, it also helps the company to allocated appropriate resources to money-making accounts. Because the taxable securities group represented 60% of total sales in the office, C&B’s created KAT, a group of 5 highly specialized salespeople, to fulfill the need for more product expertise in higher margin segments. The advantage of having KAT was that customers now had salespeople who offered in-depth, technical advice on specific issues. Furthermore, Kat along with the new evaluation system increased the frequency of communication between the New York and Boston offices. Lastly, the new structure allowed the best salesperson to be focused on the product needing the most help. On the other hand, others argued that this change made it more complicated to make large, multiproduct trades because more people needed to be involved. Another con was that salespeople felt too specialized, thus, limiting their career prospects. Nevertheless, the change had generated higher profit per dollar of sales in the Boston Office. Additionally, with the new compensation system, commissions were driven by sales volumes in areas of specialization and not from demand in within the client base. This meant that there was an even higher possibility for salespeople to generate more income. Thus, specialized salespeople were compensated for this so called limitation, meaning that their inclination to leave the firm could be swayed. Although there are some disadvantages to becoming more specialized, C&B has to accommodate its clients and their needs in order to be competitive. Therefore, Winston should recommend its new structure to other regional managers because it’ll make the company the one stop for companies looking for specialization in riskier segments.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Introduction to Literature; Plot; Character

ENG 150 Reynolds 1 Online Lecture 1: Introduction to Literature; Plot; Character If you've ever taken a literature class, you will have realized that not all literature is the same. There's the stuff you read for information (mostly nonfiction, and not our concern in this class), there's the stuff you read for fun (literature with a little â€Å"l†), and there's the stuff you read in classes like this (Literature with a capital â€Å"L†). The stuff you read for fun (â€Å"literature†) is mostly easy to read. Most romance, science fiction, and mystery novels fall into this category, for example. Okay, you hard-core sci-fi fans: I said â€Å"most†! ) It's usually plot-oriented; that is, you read it to see what's going to happen next, and you enjoy it more if it builds suspense and keeps your interest. It entertains you. It doesn't require much thought; no one needs to discuss it to discover its hidden messages–it doesn't have any. When you've finished it, you're finished. This sort of reading rarely challenges your ideas about the world. In fact, it usually reinforces the things we'd all like to think are true: everything happens for a reason, the good are rewarded and the bad suffer, everything comes out okay in the end. You'll notice that most of these books have happy endings. When they don't, you cry along with the characters, but their sad fates don't make you question the order of the universe. Those who die, die for a clear and logical reason. Literature with a capital â€Å"L† is different. It demands more of you. It requires both your attention and your participation. It asks you to think, to analyze, to stop occasionally in the middle and ask, â€Å"Why did that happen? † or â€Å"What is he doing in this scene? † Many of these stories (or poems or plays) make you uncomfortable. They make you question your comfortable and easy assumptions about the world and your place in it. And sometimes there's not a happy ending. In return, Literature helps you grow. It allows you to experience events emotionally and intellectually without having to suffer the physical danger. You get to experience the Vietnam War in â€Å"The Things They Carried† without having to worry that you'll be the next to die. You get to meet a serial killer in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† without having to worry about being murdered. You get to follow a woman into insanity in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† ithout having to be institutionalized yourself. You get to look into the hearts and minds of the characters and take home for free what they teach you about yourself, your family, and your friends. Everything in this class is designed to enhance that experience–to help you learn to read more effectively, so that you can experience Literature more fully, and enjoy it more. And any reader will tell you, that's the point of all this: enjoyment. I can't promise you that any of the information you receive in this class will ever make you a dime. I seriously doubt that any Human Resources director is going to look at your resume and say, â€Å"Oh! Here's someone who's read A Streetcar Named Desire! Let's hire him! † Your gains will be less tangible: an enhanced ability to see things from other points of view, to detect patterns in people's actions, to have a deeper understanding of the complexities of human motivation. Okay, okay, enough with the theory; let's get to some real stuff. ENG 150 Reynolds 2 One example of a literary work that challenges the traditional canon is â€Å"All about Suicide† by Luisa Valenzuela, an Argentinean writer. A brief, shocking story, â€Å"All about Suicide† is part of a large and growing genre of literature from around the world that purposely violates our standard literary expectations to make its point – in this case, a point about the political realities of Argentina in the 1960s. LUISA VALENZUELA (1938- ) All about Suicide (1967) Translated by Helen Lane Ismael grabbed the gun and slowly rubbed it across his face. Then he pulled the trigger and there was a shot. Bang. One more person dead in the city. It's getting to be a vice. First he grabbed the revolver that was in a desk drawer, rubbed it gently across his face, put it to his temple, and pulled the trigger. Without saying a word. Bang. Dead. Let's recapitulate: the office is grand, fit for a minister. The desk is ministerial too, and covered with a glass that must have reflected the scene, the shock. Ismael knew where the gun was, he'd hidden it there himself. So he didn't lose any time, all he had to do was open the right-hand drawer and stick his hand in. Then he got a good hold on it and rubbed it over his face with a certain pleasure before putting it to his temple and pulling the trigger. It was something almost sensual and quite unexpected. He hadn't even had time to think about it. A trivial gesture, and the gun had fired. There's something missing: Ismael in the bar with a glass in his hand thinking over his future act and its possible consequences. We must go back farther if we want to get at the truth: Ismael in the cradle crying because his diapers are dirty and nobody is changing him. Not that far. Ismael in the first grade fighting with a classmate who'll one day become a minister, his friend, a traitor. No, Ismael in the ministry without being able to tell what he knew, forced to be silent. smael in the bar with the glass (his third) in his hand, and the irrevocable decision: better death. Ismael pushing the revolving door at the entrance to the building, pushing the swinging door leading to the office section, saying good morning to the guard, opening the door of his office. Once in his office, seven steps to his desk. Terror, the act of opening the drawer, taking out the revolver, and rubbing it across his face, almost a single gesture and very quick. The act of putting it to his temple and pulling the trigger – another act, immediately following the previous one. Bang. Dead. And lsmael coming out of his office (the other man's office, the minister's) almost relieved, even though he can predict what awaits him. (When reading this, remember that the ENG 150 Reynolds 3 story takes place in Argentina; there, a â€Å"minister† is a highly placed government employee, similar to a Cabinet member in the U. S. ) Then tell me: what happened? Did Ismael kill himself? What details of the story make you think he did or didn't? Did Ismael kill the minister? What details of the story make you think he did or didn't? Are there other possibilities? How does the use of pronouns (â€Å"he,† â€Å"him,† â€Å"his†) contribute to the ambiguity of the story? (â€Å"Ambiguous† means â€Å"susceptible to more than one interpretation. â€Å") If Ismael didn't kill the minister, why is the story called â€Å"All About Suicide†? Why doesn't Valenzuela tell the story in chronological order (that is, in the order in which the events happened)? Do you think Valenzuela is deliberately confusing the reader? What point might she be making about the political situation in her country by doing that? Theme When I asked that last question, I was asking you to think about the author's intentions. Most authors, in addition to telling a story, want their stories to explore ideas. The â€Å"theme† is the dominant or central idea of the story. It is seldom stated explicitly–most stories do not have a â€Å"Moral† at the end. A theme is not the same as a plot. The plot is what happens in a story, the events that take place in the story. A theme is the ideas the story asks you to think about. For example, in â€Å"All About Suicide,† Luisa Valenzuela is telling you about Ismael–but not just about Ismael. We know he's just one of many people in the country who have died. (â€Å"It's becoming a vice. ) So maybe the story is asking you to think about what it's like to live in a country where you can't speak freely and where it's easy for the government to kill. How might that affect a person's character? How might it affect his way of handling problems? And Valenzuela doesn't tell her story straightforwardly, in the same way that people may not be a ble to speak straightforwardly in this country. So the truth gets confused, and you never really know what it is–just as someone living in this country would have to deal with never knowing the real truth; the most he could hope for would be the official version of the truth for that day. A story may have one theme; more often, it has several, as you can see from Valenzuela's story. Interpreting Literature As you can see, it is possible–in fact, it's likely, that different readers will come up with different interpretations of stories and poems. Many works are deliberately written so as to allow more than one interpretation. So if, in the discussions, you find yourself disagreeing with anyone else's ideas about the story, please don't hesitate to say so, and volunteer your ideas. The point of having the discussions is to allow readers to learn from each other, to show each other things they might not have noticed themselves. ENG 150 Reynolds 4 But! A note of caution here. While it is usually true that there is no single correct reading of a text, your interpretation must be supported by the text. It is often tempting to â€Å"read into† a work things that are not there. After all, we all bring our own experiences and preconceptions to anything we read. Like scientific theory, literary interpretation must have a basis in fact: you must be able to support your interpretation with dialogue, descriptions, events, or other details from the text. The Reading Process To read more effectively, follow these steps: Read the story once, all the way through. Highlight or otherwise mark the text to identify key elements: words, phrases, or images that are repeated; any elements that seem out of place or unnecessary. Make notes in the margins of any ideas that occur to you about what the writer's theme(s) might be, any questions you might have, or the definitions of any words you didn't know and had to look up. Read the story a second time, and make note of anything else that occurs to you. Literary Criticism Many books and articles have been written by professional literary critics who analyze and interpret literature. Reading their work can help you gain new perspectives on particular works and help you understand them better. But you should not accept the ideas of any critic unquestioningly. Each critic, like other readers, has his own interpretation. And different critics come up with very different conclusions about the same work. For an example of this, look on pp. 1912-1920 followed by a sample student paper on page 1921-1926 each with a different interpretation of a story. Plot The plot of a story is simply the events that take place in the story. Most people read only for plot–but you now know to look for theme, too. And often, clues to the author's intentions can be found in the plot. For example, pay attention to beginnings and endings of stories, and ask yourself questions: Why did the author choose to begin the story with this event? Why choose to end it with that event? What has changed between the beginning and the end? â€Å"The Secret Lion,† for instance, begins when the boys are in junior high, and then moves back in time. Why wouldn't Rios choose to begin when the boys were younger, and then work his way up to junior high? And what has changed in the boys, and in their lives, between the beginning and the end of the story? Look also at the stages in all the important changes. What happens to change things or people? Why do you think the author chose to take this course of action? In â€Å"Happy Endings,† Atwood ENG 150 Reynolds 5 details the possible outcomes of a single event. What is her point in showing us all these alternatives? Look for events, people, and/or circumstances that work against the action of the story. In â€Å"The Things They Carried,† for example, the narrator tells us what happens to the soldiers–but he also repetitively tells us what they carry, and this slows down the story. Why would O'Brien choose to include all this information? Why not just tell us what happened? Look for characters, events, and details which seem to make no contribution to the plot or movement of the story, and ask yourself why they are there. In â€Å"This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,† (pg. 474) for instance, the narrator tells us a lot of stories about Victor's and Thomas's past which seem to have nothing to do with the events taking place on their trip. Why tell us? We are told about a gymnast they meet; but the gymnast is unnecessary to the plot; why is she there? The reservation where the boys live is described; what details are we told about the reservation? What is left out? Why? Look for repetition of events and details. What details repeat themselves in Faulkner's â€Å"A Rose For Emily†? (pg. 29) Is there any sort of pattern that you can detect in this repetition? The narrator of â€Å"The Tell-tale Heart† also repeats himself; why? Note the conflicts that occur in the story, whether they are between the characters, the characters and their surroundings, or within the characters themselves. And look at how those conflicts are resolved. In â€Å"Kansas,† the narrator describes the conflict between the boy and the farmer; why is he so frightened? How does this affect his later actions? And how is the conflict resolved? What does this resolution reveal about the boy? About the reader? Character Characters in books and stories can function in two ways: they can be individuals, with unique characteristics, habits, quirks, and personalities, so that they seem like real people; or they can be â€Å"types†Ã¢â‚¬â€œthat is, they can typify or represent something larger than themselves. The best characters do both. In a story, the main character is called the â€Å"protagonist. † The protagonist's opponent is the â€Å"antagonist. † The antagonist is usually another person, but in some stories it is an animal, or a spirit, or even a natural force. Figuring out which character is the protagonist can help you to interpret the story's theme. For example, in â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† we might say the protagonist is Emily–or we might say the protagonist is the town. If we choose Emily, we might see the story's theme as having to do with fear, loneliness, or mental illness. If we choose the town, we might see the story as having to do with social isolation or social class. Some characters are â€Å"flat†; others are â€Å"round. † Flat characters may play a small or a large role in a story, but they experience no change or development throughout the course of the story. Round characters change, grow, develop. (This does not make round characters superior to flat characters; it simply means they serve a different function in the story, depending on the author's ENG 150 Reynolds 6 intention. ) In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† (pg. 436) for instance, the husband is flat; we do not see him experience any growth or development during the story. But the narrator, his wife, is round; her experiences change her. Sometimes it is not easy to figure out whether a character is round or flat, and that in itself can help you arrive at an interpretation of the story. For example, is the narrator of â€Å"The Tell-tale Heart† flat or round? Does he change or develop during the course of the story, or does he stay the same? The way you answer this question may affect the way you see the theme(s) of the story. Often, the names of characters are revealing. Authors are usually careful to give their characters appropriate names. Charles Dickens, for example, in Nicholas Nickleby, names a schoolmaster â€Å"Mr. Choakumchild†; right away, we know that Nicholas is in for a rough time at this school. Sometimes, the

Monday, July 29, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Reflection paper - Essay Example The checklists consisted of items that highlight the characteristic behaviors that can be observed with the student and is associated with the disorder such as inattentiveness and poor organization. A section for other learning problems and family history was also given in the checklist. Finally, a free-flow box was also made available and is intended for checklist users to express further comments and explanations about the student. The next part of the chapter delved on the two types of ADD, its causes, analogous illnesses, co-morbidity, and intervention team. According to Hannell (2006), an individual with ADD can exhibit as an Inattentive Type, Hyperactive-Impulsive Type, or a combination of both. Inattentive individuals typically daydream and fail to finish classroom tasks. Meanwhile, the hyperactive-impulsive types are those who are restless, talkative, and sometimes destructive. Hannell (2006) revealed that the cause of ADD is usually attributed to genetic factors and some food link. In the normal course of development, individuals may show the same symptoms for the disorder but are usually in more intense degrees. Giftedness, emotional and behavioral disturbances, and epilepsy may be quite similar to ADD but is not qualified as such. ADD also co-exists with learning disabilities, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder. Lastly, teachers, behavior management specialists, and pediatricians are involved in helping the student with ADD. Before taking on any appointment with a student with ADD, it is imperative that a counselor get his hands on as much in-depth information as he can about the intricacies of the disorder. In this way, he will know the best way to communicate with a child or adolescent with the condition during the counseling session. Considering that they have special needs, the typical counseling approaches may not work well with them. But with adequate

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Program Enhancement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Program Enhancement - Essay Example The goal of the IAP is to â€Å"reduce recidivism among high-risk parolees by providing carefully targeted services and counseling to youthful offenders throughout correctional supervision, prerelease, community reentry, and community supervision† (National Institute of Justice, 1998). According to The Center for Delinquency and Crime Policy Studies, the IAP is based on five underlying principles for reintegration for juveniles. These five principles are â€Å"(a) preparing youth for progressively increased responsibility and freedom in the community, (b) facilitating youth-community interaction and involvement, (c) working with both the offender and community support systems on qualities needed for constructive interaction and the youths’ successful return to the community, (d) developing new resources and supports where needed, and (e) monitoring and testing the youth’s and the community’s ability to work productively together† (The Center for Del inquency and Crime Policy Studies, n.d.). The IAP was effective specifically in Colorado, one of the states which initially tested the program. The effectiveness of the IAP in Colorado can be attributed to the strong administrative support backed up by a well-trained and committed staff who developed programs centered on a team approach (Wiebush, Wagner, McNulty, Wang, & Le, 2005). In the case of Nevada, another state which tested the program, it was effective in giving the youth intensive community services. The design of the transition structure is noteworthy. One shortcoming of the IAP in Nevada was the high turnover of the liaison position; thus, hampering the coordination between IAP and the community provider networks, which facilitated the transition strategies (Wiebush, et al., 2005). Another problem which beset the program was the lack of involvement of the families of the juvenile. To enhance the effectiveness of the IAP it is suggested that parental involvement should be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Oil Price Fluctuations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Oil Price Fluctuations - Case Study Example During 2008 world witnessed the growth in the prices of crude oil reaching a new high threatening the world economy at large, thanks the financial crisis, the recession has brought it down again. It may be exaggerated that increase and decrease in the oil price effects the world economy which is makes it necessary to study its impact on the world economy and how it effects the alternative energy resources. OPEC reports that the recent surge in the oil prices occurred at the time when there was absolutely no shortage of oil at all. The price upsurge accompanied with volatility has been recognized in all commodity groups including energy, metal or agricultural products with prices doubled since 2005. OPEC reports that it has increased the supply of crude oil by 4 mb/d since 2003 and further increased it by more 1 mb/d with absolutely no shortage of crude oil in the market. (World Oil Outlook, 2008)1 Many elements have led to this volatility in crude oil prices. Keeping aside the demand and supply elements, fluctuations in the dollar value has been the main cause for increase in the prices of crude oil. ... Some factors that have helped the price upsurge include US occupying Iraq, Saudi Arabia being attacked by terrorist temporarily affecting oil supplies, speculative investments by financial investors.3 Decline in OPEC's Surplus Oil Production Capacity Increases in global demand for the crude oil have forced the oil producing nations to produce more crude oil in order to meet the demands. The above figure shows that there has been drastic decline in the oil production of OPEC countries; this demand/supply factor is the main reason for increase in crude oil price touching $140 per barrel.(Hiromi Kato, 2005)4 As per the BPs Statistical Review of World energy for the year 2007, it is revealed that demand for the world touched 83.7 million barrels/per day or 3.9 billion tons/year which is equal to five times the annual household water consumption. The above figure shows that the increasing demand has led to upsurge in crude oil price which rocket from mid 2005 till 2008. As per the figure, oil price didn't had any upsurge till late 2000 but due to increased demand in Asian countries, the crude oil price escalated. Trends in Oil Prices Roncaglia using Hotelling theory explains that the equilibrium price of the scarce resource net of extraction costs rises over time at the rate that is equal, year after year, to the interest rate.5 It is understood from this statement that price of the scarce commodity increases at the rate year after year with the added interest rate. The crude oil is an important ingredient in the growth of world economy. It is learnt that commodity traders are responsible for oil prices who bid on oil futures contracts by looking into current supply of oil in terms of output, oil

Impact of Dams Building in Bellefonte Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Impact of Dams Building in Bellefonte - Essay Example This place holds lots of water as it is connected to a canal which leads to Susquehanna River and ultimately falls into the ocean. Bellefonte is known for its active trade and economics and holds the value of an industrial center in the middle of rural surroundings. Many other dams on same architectural design were built. These dams were not very deep. They were a mere 10-15 feet deep (low head dams) but they powered the industry all through the 19th century. Now on the Spring Creek, only 10-20 of these dams remain. These dams generated water from the spring and had many impacts on the environment and for the economics. For instance; these dams blocked the way for trout. Trout can jump and it’s hard. These dams also trapped sediments and stopped almost all of the sea flow. Another impact of these dams is that they warm up the water through the dam stream. This dam stream slows down the water flow, which gets more heat from the sun. The sun bakes it and the water gets the relatively high temperature and the result is less vegetation and less shade for animals. Due to an elevated temperature of water, the warmer water rises to the surface and fish also remain near the surface whereas the cold water sinks to the bottom. There is also a large ponding area here which affects a larger portion of the stream. The Spring House here is run by an actual spring and lets 8-10 million gallons of water pass through in a day. A chunk of the area has been sold for natural gas drilling and for other manufacturing concern like drinking bottled water. Bellefonte is a water-rich area and has a huge surplus of water. As the area started developing, more and more industries started mushrooming and the place became noisy and dirty. The industries started dumping waste into the stream and disturbed the natural condition of water and caused disgusting contamination in it. But the good thing is that this was the case many years ago.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Democratic Socialism and Comparative Advantage Research Paper

Democratic Socialism and Comparative Advantage - Research Paper Example Democracy focuses on the political aspect. It entails political sameness, the rights of all people to participate in the governance of which they are subject (Busky 312). Conversely, socialism highlights material fairness. It is not stern parity, but an end to the enormous discrepancies of earnings and affluence noticeable to the imbalances of rights of ways of production. Democratic socialists’ opinionated that both the economy and community should be ruled democratically to satisfy public needs and not fulfill wishes of a few (Busky 310). To acquire a more fair society, many compositions of governments and economies must be fundamentally changed through immense profitable and social equality so as the common persons can equally partake in making decisions that affect their lives. Socialism was first used in publications devoted to organizations in Great Britain. It was used to refer to a culture in which citizens’ work collectively for the benefit of everyone. Sociali sts have always believed that people are equal by natural rights and this was considered their highest value of people. Socialists hold democracy in high esteem. People in an independent socialist society have the right to express themselves and given due consideration. In a socialist society, people vote in the government. The government is formulated through legitimate, fair and free elections. However, sometimes democratic socialists are mistaken with governments that are dictatorial and authoritarian. True socialism lives in a democratic society. Democratic socialism is based on humanistic ideals with the eventual objective of allowing each person the prospect and way for their personal development and satisfaction. This is made possible in a society where self-realization turns into a reality in a supportive, non-competitive social situation. Several countries in the world employ this form of governance. They Include China, the second prevalent economy in the world after the U. S and Russia a superpower as well as Scandinavian countries and France. Other third world countries embracing the concept involve Venezuela and Bolivia. They also include Burma, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea. For instance, preceding the Russian Revolution in the 1920s there were existences of socialist countries anywhere as well as fully grown democracies. During those times, women rights were still curtailed, and women were barred from voting. The prevailing capitalist states supervised in undemocratically customs over their colonial domains. The Russian revolution changed this equation significantly. As many people engaged in questioning the link between socialism and democracy, the existing socialism turned out to be anything but democratic. Socialism obliges an entity according to (Harrington 288), into societal collectives contrasting capitalism, which promotes individualism. People are deemed as social animals that reside in a society that has regulations to guide it. These ru les demand a lot from an individual but as well gives the individual self-government, total control of their work freedom from poverty and freedom to pursue a better life. This contrasts the capitalist American concept that promotes separation from family and community as well as subjects an individual to high stress. The supposedly free individual in the concept is instead conformist and conventional.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson Case Study

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson - Case Study Example Here it looks at hoe the company was started back in the year 1903. Then it looks at the development of the company throughout the entire twentieth Century. It then looks at all the strategies that have been applied by the company following a fall that the company was on the verge of facing. (Smith, 2003) This was started by the kind of products offered by the Company. This was through the introduction of a number of products that were designed to appeal to the new market. Some of these include; multi coloured motor vehicles, improvement of accessories in heavy weight motorbikes, sale of accessories individually, biker clothes like jeans and t-shirts with the company logo. Most recently, the Company has introduced a bike that has a better engine than all the other models. The Company also focused on improvement of its distribution mechanism through the employment of different dealers. It held up talks that could help dealers to improve their service provisions. It also sold some of its accessories using Alternate retail outlets. Pricing was a big part of their strategy too. The Company did not focus on price reductions but instead advocated for the purchase of motorcycles whose prices matched their quality. This was also backed up by discount offers for customers who bought small motorcycles and then traded them in for new ones. (Smith, 2003) Lastly, the company did a lot of promotions ranging from advertisements in newspapers where their catch phrase was related to the American free spirit. They also used their website to advertise and sell their items and placed inserts in magazines that depicted female bikers. All the above changes were crucial in making the Company a success in the US motor vehicle industry. This was seen when the Company was called the most Nostalgic Company in biking in 2007. Strength of Harley Davidson current position Introduction Stands for -Harley Davidson represents the Sir name of the two founders of the Company back in 1903. These were Arthur Davidson and William Harvey. They started work on motorvehicles at a tender age in the privacy of their own homes. They continue with this work until a small factory was formed. This factory grew and by the time it was 1907, they had already acquired become incorporated. (Smith, 2003) Market-The Harley Davidson Company has its market in the US. This can be deduced form demographics studies and the fact that their brand focuses on the 'American spirit'. However, most of the clients are male. In the year 2006 statistics showed that 88% of H-D buyers were male while the remaining percentage was female. It also showed that in the year 2006, most of the buyers were between the ages of forty three and forty seven. The average income earned by these customers was 82,000 dollars as of last year. Their market consists of buyers who use motorcycles for their pastime activities. This was the reason why it was necessary to use advertisements that were mainly recreational. Positioning map and perception- the Company has earned its place in the US motorvehicle industry due to the fact that it creates a feeling of nostalgia in its buyers. This is mostly due to the fact that the image of its models resembles some classy motorvehicles used back in the 1960s. It has also gained a reputation for having top of the range engines in its bikes. The Company has also established itself in the American

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research philosophies and principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research philosophies and principles - Essay Example The postmodern moment (1990-1995) 6. The postexperimental inquiry moment (1995-2000) 7. The methodologically contested present (2000-2010) 8. The future moment (2010-). In each of the eight moments, different things are included in the definition of qualitative research (Jessor, Colby and Shweder, 1996, p. 129). However, it is customary to offer a generic definition of the qualitative research here: Qualitative research is a kind of research that is â€Å"based on a relativistic, constructivist ontology that posits that there is no objective reality. Rather, there are multiple realities constructed by human beings who experience a phenomenon of interest† (Krauss, 2005, p. 760). Researchers commonly adopt the qualitative methodology when they want to alter things for the better or want to bring a change. Therefore, advocacy and empathy are two of the most essential elements of the researcher’s lifestyle (Stake, 2010, p. 14). This paper evaluates and compares the research philosophies and principles of four research papers related to tourism. All of the research papers are based on qualitative research but have different research paradigms. 1. Visiting death and life: dark tourism and slave castles by Rasul A. Mowatt and Charles H. Chancellor Mowatt and Chancellor (2011) selected Ghana for their research since this country has most number of West African Slave Castles i.e. 36 out of the total 52 that have remained. Mowatt and Chancellor (2011) used interviews, photo elicitation and analysis of the tourists’ narratives in their methodology. The study involved 14 African descents eight of whom were females and six were males. All of them were from the US. The researchers agreed upon the non-generalizability of the research results. â€Å"As such the results from this study are not generalizable. A second sample could have yielded a confirmation or divergence in responses and behaviors with this sample† (Mowatt and Chancellor, 2011, p. 14 28). Research carried out by Mowatt and Chancellor (2011) is an exploratory research wherein the researchers don’t come with preconceived notions about the tourists’ motivations. This research was a mix of the modernist, critical representation and blurred genres moments of research. In course of their research, Mowatt and Chancellor (2011) found that although there is a lot of disparity in the ethnic identities of the aboriginal Africans and the African Americans that have been away from their indigenous place for centuries, yet they still relate to one another and shed away all their time-bound differences when they make a visit to the Ghanaian Slave Castles. The researchers found a special bond between the tourists and the Castles, which had remained unaffected despite their distance from their native land or change in their social identities that has occurred over the time. The factor of symbolic interactionism reflects in the tourists’ discomfort with the W hite people in the post-visit stage. It suggests that the tourists consider the slavery a racial matter in which the Black race has always been oppressed by the White. The fact that the researchers made use of photographs as a means to achieve the research objectives in addition to conducting the in-depth interviews with them and studying their ethnography makes this research relate to the blurred genres moment of research. Also, the researchers’ personal or intellectual biographies don’t show up in the research which further promotes the blurred genre

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Two Page Paper on The tragic Massacre at VA Tech to be completed in Essay

Two Page Paper on The tragic Massacre at VA Tech to be completed in APA format - Essay Example He was even investigated by the police twice after apparently stalking fellow two students (Griffin, 2007). After expressing suicidal tendencies to his roommate who reported the incident, he was diagnosed as â€Å"an imminent danger to himself or others as a result of mental illness† and â€Å"incapable of volunteering or unwilling to volunteer for treatment† and was ordered by the Montgomery County to be an outpatient of Cook Counseling Center, which is located on-campus (CNN, 2007; Setrakian and Shaylor, 2007). The question now is, did he go for treatment? The answer is most probably â€Å"no† as people failed to follow up on this (Setrakian and Shaylor, 2007). Hence, they failed to recognize the signs and symptoms of a violent breakdown. With so many people knowing that there is something wrong with Cho , with the police having already investigated him—not once, but twice—and with a court-ordered psychiatric treatment, how did they miss his violent tendencies? Why was the proper intevention not applied to him? How was he able to legally purchase two guns? The answer to these questions lies in the fact that professors, administrators, law enforcement officers, the state court, and other government departments failed to communicate with each other. The bottom line is that â€Å"no one knew all the information and no one connected all the dots† (New Scientist, 2007). Each was holding an important piece of the puzzle; however, there was no communication between them and so, the pieces remained isolated from each other. For instance, the police failed to communicate to campus authorities about their investigation of Cho; likewise, the court neglected to let the university know of their diagnosis and decision. These related incidents were also not inputted into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System; this is why

Monday, July 22, 2019

South African Breweries Essay Example for Free

South African Breweries Essay SAB has the leading position to produce and distribute both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. it’s been registered in 1895 in London and since then with momentous profit and prevailing market position it has develop its business in home sectors as well. SAB was fully incorporated in 1970 after the shifting of its head office from London to Johannesburg. Government put high restriction on the expansion and international business of SAB. From 1955 to the following seven years beer production was the highest taxed beverage and SAB had to respond to competitors’ acquisition and production and distribution rationalisation. In 1960 it took over Stellenbosch Farmers’ Winery and obtained brewing license locally for Amstel and Carling, Black Label and Guinnes which played major turn of its expansion. Within 1979 SAB could capture about 99 percent South African market alongside major control over Lesotho, Swaziland and Rhodesia. SAB was the first organisation in the country which published a non-discriminatory employment code in 1978. The Lion Match Company merged with SAB in 1987. SAB concentrated on developing three mega breweries in the country in 1990 and the invention of joint venture in Zambia, Mozambique and Angola followed in the following years. The company got dominance over 98 percent of market and faced a little left expansion in local business and tried to expand globally in 2000. It made its way to central Europe in 1993 with the acquisition of the largest brewery of Hungary Dreher. In the following year it established operation in Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia. SAB had spread small business with Rolling Black Beer one of the breweries in United States of America as well. Then 2001 it expanded its business into Central America. In 2001 SAB had production of 77m hectolitres of alcoholic and non- alcoholic beverages and dominated as the fifth largest brewer in the world covering 21 countries. In 1990 the head quarter moved back to London. In this report i would like to narrow down my focus on SABs expansion globally by acquiring the second largest brewery of America; the Miller Brewing Company and having new name as SABMiller in 2002 and it became the second largest volume in the world. Though it is facing some profit margin difficulties in North America because its competitors are lowering down the price of beer. To keep up with the market over there SABMiller has to compromise with the margin of profit. Challenge for the Company No arguments come when SAB admits that South African market is fully dominated by them. Though it had made some tactically poor judgment while expanding in Hungary and US market. Among the challenges SAB faced were: In 2001 it acquires 58 percent interest in breweries in Hunduras and El Salvador which cost them US$ 500million. Further it spent a sum of US$5. 6 bn when it acquired Miller from Altria. To expand its business in Western Europe SAB acquired a major company in Italy named Peroni and spent US$ 270 million. In Africa SAB had to encounter problems when for low income in Malawi the industry does not appear to be set up. Again in Ghana SAB has made its entrance where there is already good competition between Guinness and Heineken. In Nigeria governments has imposed restriction on importing brewing materials as barley. So quality and consumption dropped sharply there. After the acquisition of Miller in US; SABMiller faced problem within six months. SAB had to go on with the existing CEO as head of SABMiller and later on the sacked him. Altria holds 23 percent shares of SABMiller. According to some experts debates SAB has spent too much for acquiring Miller. Again SABMiller is also facing difficulties to keep up in the competition with the competitors in US market. In addition to this in America the Beer market is in downward trend as the Americans are continuously and increasingly turning to wine than beer. This has adverse impact on SABMiller’s profit margin. Another market dominant competitor Anheuser-Busch (AH) upgraded its profit margin to 17. 3% by raising its production where Millers and Coors has (9. 3%) and (8. 9%) respectively. Then to compete with AH SABMiller and Coors went as a joint venture which has very positive impact on their business. Policy/ Strategy The long term direction and scope of a company which are aimed to achieve advantage for the organisation using its configuration or resources in a challenging surrounding is described strategy. In other sense strategy is – -The place where the business aimed to reach in time span. -The market where the business will compete and activities of the competitive market -The process of doing better in this competition -Required ability or resources How to get up with the external and internal environmental factors -The values and expectation of the stakeholders According to Henry Mintzberg strategy comprises five Ps: Plan, Position, Pattern, Perspective and Poly. Andrew (1998) states the term strategy in form of decision in a company which helps identifying and disclosing the target, underlying objectives and company goals. Strategy helps to create m ajor policy and plan to achieve company objectives. The range of the business to follow for the company is also described by strategy. Micheal Porter narrates strategy is about being different or unique. According to him within strategy an organisation purposely sets up a unique package of activities to deliver a mix of value. Paradoxes and debates around strategy The theory of strategy is an academic field which is diversified by many experts as they expressed on the base of different understanding. Thus theories derived from different experts have contradiction as well. Some of the renowned experts as Whittington (2002), Mintzberg (1990, 1998), Schendel (1994) and Kuhn (1996, 1970) have described strategy with the help of several schools. In this study i will try to focus on Mintzberg and Whittington theories.

Igneous Rock and Yosemite National Park Essay Example for Free

Igneous Rock and Yosemite National Park Essay Yosemite National Park is without a doubt, one of America’s most beautiful and well-known parks. Due to the diversity of attractions the park offers, including high Sierra Peaks, the highest highway pass in California called the Tioga Pass, the Yosemite Valley, the Merced River, acres of high altitude backcountry, waterfalls, and some of the largest living things on earth in the sequoia groves tourists from all over the world visit. The most famous section in the park is Yosemite Valley, where El Capitan, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, and other places to explore nature’s beauty lie. Yosemite Geography Yosemite National Park is located in the Central of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in California. The park is 1,189 square miles, comparable to the size of the United State’s state of Rhode Island. Lakes, ponds, streams, hiking trails, and roads are some of the many features that attract tourists. Nearly all the landforms in the Yosemite area are cut from a mass of intrusive igneous rock that formed below the surface of the earth. Some of the park’s landforms are metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Erosion that acted upon different types of uplift is responsible for creating the valleys, canyons, domes and other features found in this national park. Some of the popular features Yosemite possess’ are Yosemite Valley—where the majority of visitors stay, the Tunnel View—which is the first view of the valley when visitors enter the park, El Capitan—a major granite cliff that oversees Yosemite Valley, and Sentinel Dome and Half Dome that offer a diverse range of climbing routes. Also found within the park are the breath-taking giant sequoia trees. Perhaps the most remarkable sequoia in the park is the Grizzly Giant, believed to be more than 2,700 years old and the oldest known sequoia tree. Yosemite is known for its high concentration of waterfalls. Hanging valleys in the park offer a place for waterfalls to exist. During the snowmelt season, April, May, and June, waterfalls are able to flourish. Yosemite has a Mediterranean climate, which means most of the precipitation falls during the mild winter and the other seasons are considerably dry. Snow doesn’t stay on the ground until November, and then accumulates until March, when it begins to melt. There is a large temperature range due to elevation diversity and global warming. History of Yosemite The Yosemite National Park is located in Sierra Nevada in the east-central part of California. The Park is widely spread area of 750,000 acre, with streams that are 1,600 miles long, hiking trails that are 800 miles and the roads that extend up to 350 miles. Yosemite Fall is the highest waterfall in North America, it is considered as the third of the highest waterfall on planet Earth. Another important factor of Yosemite Park would be the numerous of species it contains. Over 300 species of animals can be found in the park. Yosemite is known for its spectacular attractions such as high Sierra Peaks, the highest highway pass in California, the Yosemite Valley, Merced River, and many acres of high altitude backcountry, some of the highest waterfall in the world. Plants are also really high at the Park. Some reaching altitudes from 2,000 feet to the peak of Mr. Lyell. 94. 5% of the park’s 747,956 acres is officially classified as wilderness. Moreover, that is one of the main reasons why the park is now protected by the state. One of the very first people to live in Yosemite would be the Paiute and the Sierra Miwok people. They were in the area for a long time before the first white explorations were done in the region. This people were a band of Native Americans called the Ahwahneechee. During the mid 19th century, The California Gold Rush radically increased travel in the area. While the major Jim Savage of the United States Army led the Mariposa Battalion into the west end of Yosemite Park, Chief Tenaya gathered around 200 ahwahneechees as part of the Mariposa Wars. The discovery of gold in the Sierra Nevada brought many gold seekers to the area. In 1855, James Mason Hutchings and Thomas Ayres along with two others were the first tourists in the area. Much of the publicity about Yosemite Park was due to Hutchings and Ayers’s articles and magazine issues about the valley. Many of Ayres artwork was exhibited in New York City where many people were able to see it and admire it. During the years of 1855 and 1860, tourism increased dramatically in the valley. The Yosemite National Park has 3. 5 million tourists every year. According to the readings, tourists prefer to visit during the summer. In the early years, most visitors went to Yosemite via horseback and stagecoach. In addition, more trails were built creating more publicity to the park. As tourist explore and visited the park, word spread around about how beautiful the park was therefore more tourist would go visit. Wawona was an Indian encampment what is now the southwestern part of the park. The Mariposa Grove of Gian Sequoia was discovered by the settler Galen Clark in 1857. In 1879, the Wawona Hotel was built for the tourists visiting. As the number of tourists increased, more trails and hotels were built to accommodate those visitors. The Yosemite Park has a great history behind it as to how it came to be what it is now. Also, it contains many species within which has been hard to conserve of not going extinct. As more toursist came to the park, more problems aroused within the valley debating who would get to keep what or whose property it was. Since Yosemite had plenty of gold which meant a better way of life for those who were able to obtain some of it, the competition increased and therefore more visitors came to the land. Yosemite National Park is a beautiful place to visit with the family or friends since it has such a great history within of struggles and fights put up to conserve the land as it is. Biology of Yosemite The biology of Yosemite is very diverse. During a trip to Yosemite, it is interesting to learn how many different species of animals choose Yosemite as their habitat. Encounters are likely because Yosemite National Park supports more than 400 species of animals counting reptiles, amphibians, fish, mammals, and birds. The high diversity of species is because of diverse habitats in Yosemite that are very much intact. The park’s rich habitats range from thick foothill chaparral to expanses of alpine rock to conifer forests. (Kaiser 81) Animals feel very much at home; the Sierra Nevada red fox, for instance, hunts in open alpine habitat and hides at night into the forest for safety. In Yosemite meadows; Animals come to feed on the green grasses and use the flowing and standing water found in the many meadows. Predators evidently are attracted to these areas. The surface between meadow and forest is also favored by many animal species because of the closeness of open areas for gathering food, and cover for protection. Overall, the parks widespread coniferous forests, with a relatively mild climate and a mixture of plant species provide a great habitat for animals to live. Wildlife species typically found include: bobcat, gray fox, mountain king snake, Gilberts skink, white-headed woodpecker, brown creeper, spotted owl, and a wide variety of bat species. At higher elevations, fewer wildlife species tend to be found due, in part, to the lower complexity of the forest. Species likely to be found include golden-mantled ground squirrel, chickaree, marten, Stiller’s jay, hermit thrush, and northern goshawk. Reptiles are not common but include rubber boa, western fence lizard, and alligator lizard. Above tree line, the climate becomes harsh with a short growing season. Species such as pika, yellow-bellied marmot, white-tailed hare, Clarks nutcracker, and rosy finch are adapted to these conditions. Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep are found in the Yosemite area only around Tioga Pass. (Kaiser 97) With development and an increase in domestic travel after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, visits to the Park are increasing. The Park sees 3. 5 million visitors annually. Thirty years ago, 80 percent of Yosemites visitors stayed overnight; now, its 80 percent day-use. Roads and facilities have been increased to keep pace with growing amount of visitors. Development continues to intrude on park boundaries, bringing new housing projects and commercial construction and thousands more people. The newly opened Chukchansi Casino, one of the states largest, is just 30 miles down the road, advertising with billboards throughout the area: Now, Yosemite has a night life. And with the recently approved Silvertip Resort Village, a 47-acre commercial and residential complex slated to go up in the tiny park border town of Fish Camp. (Kaiser 90) Noise pollution from vehicles and campsites compete with the Parks natural noises. Buildings, roads, and parking lots have marred the aesthetic beauty of the Valley, while visitors are often stuck in traffic hoping to find a parking spot. Visitors, destroying natural habitats, have eroded areas of riverbanks close to campsites. The importance of tourism to the local economy can be illustrated by the impact of the catastrophic 1997 floods that temporarily closed the Park. This caused Eroded riverbanks near campsites locally severe economic losses to the areas around the Park. In the most heavily impacted area, Mariposa County, 1997 personal income was reduced by an estimated US$1,159 per capita, a 6. % decline. The county was also estimated to have lost US$1. 67 million in county occupancy and sales tax revenues, and 956 jobs, a significant number in a county of fewer than 16,000 residents. Also, The Ahwahneechee indigenous Indians have not received any compensation in the form of money or land for their loss of the Yosemite area in 1851. (Kaiser 105) Geology of Yosemite The geology of Yosemite National Park is a very beautiful place that been evolving for many of years. The geology of Yosemite is mainly consisting of rocks and waterfalls. The main rocks are granitic rocks and metamorphic rocks. Ice Ages were the main causes for Yosemite Park or should I say California because the Ice Ages brought glaciers that carved out California. In Yosemite Park, it shows how the glacial have move and creating Yosemite Lake too. It created a lot of homes for the animals that are living in the park and became big attractions for visitors all around the world. The volcano in Yosemite Park erupted and the lava cause to make igneous rocks because of the cooling and solidification of the lava. Also the lava formed other rocks like granite and tonality are all form of plutonic rock, but also referred to as granitic rocks (Yosemite National Park). Plutonic rocks are compress with five minerals (Yosemite National Park). The plutonic rocks were formed by magma and are form deep within the Earth. When a volcano erupts, some lava reaches the Earth surface and the lava starts to cool or solidify, but there are a few volcanic igneous rocks in Yosemite. The volcanic rocks in Yosemite Park include basalt and latte lava flows and outside has the same, but some called ash-flow and more (Yosemite National Park). The tectonic in North America cause the ocean to decrease lowers forming California. It was change in plate motion, the oceanic plate was sub ducted beneath the Sierra Nevada and was consumed into the seduction zone (Huber). The Pacific plate became a fault, which made the San Andreas Fault. It is when a tectonic plate slide past each other along a strike-slip faults (Huber). So, when seduction happen, California land start to rise up from the ocean forming island, then finally connect to North America. As water started to decrease in California, volcanoes again became active. Yosemite was buried by lava creating more land for California. The Earth is made up of 20 massive plates that float on the surface of the planet and the Pacific plate is the largest. Activities The sculpture of the Yosemite Park was by glaciers because the northern hemisphere was covered in ice. The glacier made a u-shaped valley and a lot of lakes. For California final shaping and sculpting was during the Pleistocene Epoch time. The glaciers melt and the water moved across the land and started to make how California looks today. A lot of environment was getting destroyed and use for resource. People didn’t want everything destroy, so they manage to save some environment and made them national parks. One of them is Yosemite National Park. People come and visit or camp to go site seeing in the park. There are many activities the park offer. One of them is hiking in the park. They offer tour guides that take you on hiking trips that can last a full day. People can stay overnight and continue they’re hiking and see great sites. Also you can bring your bike and take a trail and then a short hike (Yosemite National Park Vacation). More activities are offer in Yosemite Park like is rock climbing. They have trainers that teach you how to rock climb and teach you about all the gears you need. They also offer classes for beginners and train you. The trainers can take you, where you want to go and guide you to climb the rocks. There is a lot of winter activities, you can ski or snowboard (Yosemite National Park Vacation). They also offer school for skiing and have shuttle that take you up the mountain and go downhill schilling. They have cross-country, snow tubing, and back country ski tours. Yosemite Park has about 13 campgrounds and you can do the traditional and camp outside in a RV camping area. You can stay in the wilderness and camp outside in a tent or stay in a cabin. They also offer a lot of place to stay like a hotel, village, and lodge. You can even camp out on the High Sierra camping ground (Yosemite National Park Vacation). Conclusion Yosemite Park is a beautiful and wonderful place to visit. You can plan your visit, by visiting the website and also letting you know about the parks and some facts. There are many things to see like the park attractions, natural features, plants, and animals (Yosemite National Park Vacation). It is fun for the family and the waterfalls draw most of the visitors. One of the awareness in the park is the black bear. The weather tends to vary depending on where you are in the park.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Prejudice and Discrimination of Homosexuals

Prejudice and Discrimination of Homosexuals In different countries of various beliefs and culture, people with homosexual behavior are often being subjected to prejudice and discrimination. In comparison with minority groups, who are one of the common topics of prejudice, this group of homosexual people are also subjected to stereotyping. Social scientists have typically defined prejudice as a negative intergroup attitude. [1] Sexuality orientation can be classified further into three main topics: Homosexuality, Bisexuality, and Heterosexuality. Homosexuality refers to sexual behavior/actions or seductive attraction among people of the same sex. The word gay is commonly being referred to a male homosexual, whereas lesbian is designated for female homosexuals. Right here in Singapore, majority of the public still have that prototypical mindset and misconstrue behavior which often leads to discrimination against this group of people. This is extremely unhealthy because homosexuality has been declassified as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association in the 1970s, and people in this day and age are still seeking to turn gay people straight, often resulting in negative effects on the subject.'[2] Simple stereotyping can be thought as all gay are feminine and all lesbians contain machismo hormones within them. Some even have misconceptions and labeled the gay as the main culprit for transmission of sexually transmitted disease or AIDS, considering them having a higher chance of contracting these diseases. In this modernized and civil society, it will be of much appreciation if homosexuality is much understood better by the public. If this discrimination continues to cycle around, it will cause a deleterious effect on the homosexual person. This may eventually lead to escalation of suicidal cases or further deterioration on the mental health. This is a topic that we should pay attention to. Homosexual discrimination can be found in anywhere or in any working sector. A homosexual man who has a kind soul within, have no exceptions either, he may have to bear the brunt of discrimination from a high profile sector. Gays are banned from donating their contaminated or filthy, some mi ght criticized on that, blood out; a legislation set by the Food and Drug Administration. [3] As mentioned, discrimination can be found in anywhere even in a small country like Singapore. A distinct proof which leads to discrimination being amplified in the country is where colonial legislation, Sections 377 and 377A of the Penal Code [4] are still brought into play. This shows that Singaporeans are too conservative to accept the fact of homosexual behavior coming into their existence. Discrimination against gay is being applied in various level of sector in the society. Achieved from a report, a highly educated personnel displaying out her ferocious attitude during a debate in Parliament in 2007 was shown that she compared anal sex as shoving a straw up your nose to drink.[5][6] The debater herself was a professor of law; specializing in international human rights law would present out such an outrageous quote on gay rights. Putting aside public discrimination, the power of media plays a strong part in this role. In a newspaper article, exaggerated from the fact by the journ alist, the gays were believed to be involved in promiscuous sex or are drug addict which is solely stereotyping thinking from the journalist.[5][6] The examples mentioned above are showing how typical people possess adverse thinking against homosexuality. Prejudice and discrimination against homosexuality will bring a vicious cycle effect to the society as it can be commonly identified as a talking topic for adults, or it may be a mistaught lesson for a child. Basically, chances of stereotypically thinking and discriminating against homosexual persons can happen in everyday conversations between people. Living in this society, people only know how to discriminate homosexuality as they tend to follow the majority. This is similar to, giving a primary school student a complicated algebraic question where he/she only knows how to apply simple standard mathematics formulations. This society needs to be better educated about homosexuality just like the student needs to be taught on how to work out that algebraic question. By educating people about homosexuality does not mean that they will stop discriminating gays. However, providing positive and correct information about homosexuality to teenagers who are stepping into this society and un derstanding of their sexuality is important. They will feel less fearful in the future. An example can be taken, the author of an article has a niece who came home and shouted, Gays are disgusting! He knew that the niece learnt that hatred from a classmate, who in turn had this hatred digested from the parents. This shows that people allow this hatred to become an ongoing cycle, which in time it turns out to be a fear for some people but under the influential of people around them they have no choice but to accept it resentfully. Here is another down to earth reason why is it important to stop all there discriminations. Lets ask ourselves this question, Who are all these gays and lesbians? These people are our very own Singaporeans. Living in a country, which does not give you the rights that belongs to you, is equivalent to pushing the gays and lesbians with no choice but to move out from this country to another, which will truly welcome them despite of their differences. A country without any natural resources cannot afford to drive out her gay sons and daughters. People always have the wrong comprehensive thinking that spreading of HIV and AIDS are associated with gays. They will think that as long as they perform safe sexual intercourse or preventing themselves to have sex with men will free them from contracting HIV or AIDS. They have shown an erroneous thinking which makes them believe that as long as they are not gay, they will be safe from diseases. A statistics result [7] shows that the number of people infected with the diseases through homosexual means is lesser than those of heterosexual means. When it comes to a serious stage, it will be death. Therefore, this myth has to be busted. People who are being discriminated might not have the courage to face it and the solution they will go for will be death. Sexuality based discrimination caused death in teens, a report shows. [8] In response to such incidents, Ellen DeGeneres speaks out, urging that we stop discriminating against gays, because one death is tragic, four is a crisis [8] Be it homosexual or heterosexual, we still come together and live as one and everyone deserves the right to be treated equally. The homosexual citizens will not be pleased if they found out that they are not treated to the same benefits that heterosexual citizens are being treated as. We should not hesitate to open up our views on them or in another way we must learn to accept what they are. Penal code337a criminalizes those who have sexual act between two males [2] [4]. This is one of the main reasons why Singaporeans are still badly discriminating the homosexuals. In many other countries, homosexual were slowly being received and laws were executed to protect them similar to the laws which heterosexual have. Protecting homosexuals against violence and discrimination is important. As they are the minority group which makes them an easy target. As we know, all the male Singaporean has to go through National service. Even homosexuals have no exception to this. The worst case will be, they do a self declare that they are gay and they will go through a thorough psychiatric assessment which then they will be by default downgraded to Public Employment Status C (PES C) in regardless of their fitness[9] . Once a soldier declared that hes gay, his armys world will be totally different from others. From this example, we call recall on that; inequality being faced by them in this society was a result from prejudice and discrimination on homosexuals. In order to have a prominent result, one should draw back their attention to the society. We all know that the root cause of this problem came from the society who discriminates, as and when; like or dislike, as they want. Thus, a solution which deals directly to the root cause will be an ideal one to recede the problem. In this society, filled with excitement, it is still required to be better educating these people about homosexuality. As research has found out that there are two groups of people with the different attitude s on how they think gay are. The group with a positive attitude toward gay usually has a few friends around them who falls under this, being gay, category. In contrast, with those with negative attitudes believe that they do not have any gay friends around them, in actual fact they do. Their discrimination towards gays goes back to the being stereotypical and prejudice. [10] We can conclude this by looking at simple theory. In order for a majority group to keep up its performance, it seeks cooperation from the minority group. To put in simpler words, a minority group like homosexuals can be influential to the majority group. Therefore, there is a need to bring prejudice and discrimination on homosexuals to a halt. Education on understanding ones sexuality needs to be taught to young adults and teenagers. Negative remarks about the homosexual society should be reduced via this education. Even parents need to be taught that being homosexual is not a crime nor is it wrong, and that it is a part of life.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Images of Africa in Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart Essay

Images of Africa in Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness portrays an image of Africa that is dark and inhuman.   Not only does he describe the actual, physical continent of Africa as "so hopeless and so dark, so impenetrable to human thought, so pitiless to human weakness" (Conrad 94), as though the continent could neither breed nor support any true human life, but he also manages to depict Africans as though they are not worthy of the respect commonly due to the white man.   At one point the main character, Marlow, describes one of the paths he follows: "Can't say I saw any road or any upkeep, unless the body of a middle-aged negro, with a bullet-hole in the forehead, upon which I absolutely stumbled three miles farther on, may be considered as a permanent improvement" (48).   Conrad's description of Africa and Africans served to misinform the Western world, and went uncontested for many years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1958 Chinua Achebe published his first and most widely acclaimed novel, Things Fall Apart.   This work-commonly acknowledged as the single most well known African novel in the world-depicts an image of Africa that humanizes both the continent and the people.   Achebe once said, "Reading Heart of Darkness . . . I realized that I was one of those savages jumping up and down on the beach.   Once that kind of enlightenment comes to you, you realize that someone has to write a different story" (Gikandi 8-9); Achebe openly admits that he wrote Things Fall Apart because of the horrible characterization of Africans in many European works, especially Heart of Darkness.   In many ways, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart can be seen as an Afrocentric rebuttal to the Eurocentric depi... ...t of Darkness.    Works Cited Achebe, Chinua.   "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness." Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Essays in Criticism.   3rd  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ed.   Ed. Robert Kimbrough.   New York: W.W. Norton, 1988.   251-262. ---.   Things Fall Apart.   Greenwich: Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1959. Boahen, A. Adu.   African Perspectives on Colonialism.   Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987. Conrad, Joseph.   Heart of Darkness.   London: Penguin Books, 1989. "Doctrines on Colonialism."   The Government of Tibet in Exile.   3 May 2000.>. Gikandi, Simon.   "Chinua Achebe and the Invention of African Literature."   Classics in Context: Things Fall Apart.   Chinua Achebe.   Portsmouth: Heinemann Educational Publishers, 1996      

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lord Of The Flies - Whats The Point? :: essays research papers

Lord of the Flies - What’s the Point?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lord of the Flies, a literary classic, examines specific social and human nature issues. The boys experience power and leadership struggles, a battle with sadism, and the never-ending fight for the role of intellectuals in society. The author William Golding, presents human nature as a contrast to the reality of the boys on the island.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jack and Ralph were two boys who both wanted to be the leader. From the very beginning of the book the two boys had disagreements. Jack thought that he should be leader. Ralph was the central character and he had a lot of pressure put on him to come up with ideas for survival. That’s where Piggy comes in; he was the never noticed sidekick of Ralph. Piggy always came up with the acceptable ideas to help Ralph be the preferred leader. Ralph was a democrat, he wanted order and things to be accomplished. Such as the rescue fire and huts being built. At first everyone wanted to help and get everything achieved, but soon after the tasks went to a few people. The boys who did not want to work wanted to play. That is when Jack started to do whatever he wanted. At first Jack preferred rules, but after the book progressed he slowly put the things he wanted first; that’s when the battle for leadership starts between Jack and Ralph. Jack wanted to have fun and to hunt. He was the appointed leader of the hunters and he had an addiction to kill. Jack got satisfaction out of slaughtering animals, it made him feel commanding and powerful. Jack represented dictatorship and showed how everything should be his way. He played on the fear of the boys and persuades them to join his tribe. Jack had his own agenda to follow. Now that he had control over so many boys, he could have his own fort with guards. Anytime he wanted Jack and his hunters could go kill without Ralph getting mad at them for not working. Jack won the battle for leadership.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jack was the evil or the dark side of the island. The beginning of the story started out with Jack and the rest of the boys painted as innocent. Jack was just a choir boy, but slowly his human nature was tested. He turns in to a bully, he picks on and fights with Piggy. Piggy is made an outcast by Jack teasing him about being a â€Å"fatty†. Jack also isolated Simon from the group by making fun of Simon’s view of the beast, shown in this

Good and Evil in Good Country People Essay example -- people

Good and Evil in Good Country People  Ã‚     Ã‚   In "Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor, the masked truth is reflected unequivocally through the reality in the story, its equal counterpart. For every good or evil thing, there is an antagonist or opposing force. Each character has a duplicate personality mirrored in someone else in the story. In the story, the names and personalities of the characters clash. The name is the mask covering the personality, which is representative of the reality aspect of each character. When Mrs. Hopewell named her daughter Joy, she was hoping for all the joy that comes with raising a child and watching the child develop a life of its own. What Mrs. Hopewell received was a disabled daughter who lived miserably at home and was the antithesis of everything her mother believed. The name Hulga is also a mask. When Joy changed her name to Hulga, Mrs. Hopewell had made up her mind that Joy "had thought and thought until she hit upon the ugliest name in any language" (O'Connor 299). Although Joy-Hulga chose the name because of its "ugly sound" and how well it suited her, she "secretly desired an inner self that was beautifully unique" (Bloom 99). The name Manley, the Bible salesman, has similar implications. The name Manley includes the word "man," but he is constantly revealed through his child-like acts such as his mumbling "was like the sleepy fretting of a child" (O'Connor 307). O'Connor also refers to him as having sweet breath like a child's and his "kisses were sticky like a child's" (307). The beginning of the story, "Good Country People," is misleading. At first, the story points to Mrs. Freeman and Manley Pointer as being good country people. According to Mrs. Hopewell t... ... the story. Flannery O'Connor portrayed both the good and the evil side of human nature. She also explored religious issues that are prevalent in today's society. The struggle between good and evil and real and hidden truths build the foundations for "Good Country People." Works Cited Bloom, Harold, ed. Flannery O'Connor. New York: Chelsea, 1986. Humphries, Jefferson. The Otherness Within: Gnostic Readings in Marcel Proust, Flannery O'Connor, and Francois Villion. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1983. May, John R. The Pruning Word: The Parables of Flannery O'Connor. Notre Dame, IN: U of Notre Dame P, 1976. O'Connor, Flannery. "Good Country People." Literature: Reading, Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. 3rd ed. Ed. Robert DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. 297-310. Walters, Dorothy. Flannery O'Connor. New York: Twayne, 1973.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Civil Liberties, Personal Freedoms, and US Law Enforcement Essay

Americans would like to believe that they have freedoms that are available to people in no other country on earth. In a very real way, this statement is true. We are free to criticize the people who govern us in a manner unavailable in most countries, without expecting retribution. Public access is available to many, if not most government buildings. The American process of governing is relatively transparent. All of these things have created a great expectation of freedom, or at least liberty, in this country. And yet, the nature of liberty and freedom, as well as how these thing interact with law enforcement, are not well understood by many Americans. Freedom vs. Liberty Although the concepts of liberty and freedom are related, they are not the same. The United States of America, as noted above, allows many kinds of freedom. There is freedom â€Å"from† things, such as absolute government control of lives and freedom â€Å"to† things, as in freedom to choose a school or a career, rather than having such a thing assigned. Freedom consists of the ability to move about at will, personal liberty, and civil liberty. In philosophical terms, freedom is the â€Å"power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy, self-determination (â€Å"freedom,† n. d. ). Although liberty is used as part of the definition of freedom, they are not identical concepts. Liberty, however, is freedom from such things as outside control in an individual’s personal choices, from captivity, and â€Å"freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control† (â€Å"liberty, n. d. †). It can be seen, then, that of the freedoms that Americans expect to have are composed of both freedom–the freedom to†Ã¢â‚¬â€œand liberty–the â€Å"freedom from. Without civil liberties, Americans would find themselves facing an increased number of forcible actions from their own government, as well as potential attempts to infringe upon those liberties from outside. Americans and Civil Liberties Americans have always taken their civil liberties seriously. State seals and mottos refer to liberty. The New Jersey state motto is â€Å"Liberty and Prosperity,† while text on the Massachusetts Great Seal once read, â€Å"By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty. † Patriotic songs refer to the nation as being the â€Å"sweet land of Liberty. From the beginning, then it can be assumed that Americans have expected â€Å"freedom from,† liberty, particularly freedom from tyranny. In today’s world, the concept of tyranny can take many forms. Racial profiling is often considered to be one form of tyranny, although it is not always simple to assess when it occurs (Barkan, 2005). Research from the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research [IPPSR] indicates that Americans largely favor the protection of civil liberties, even when responding after a crisis. However, the degree to which people are willing to accept changes to policies that affect civil liberty will vary based on race and ethnicity, political ideology, the area in which they live, and more (ISPPR, 2002). One significant influence on whether these changes should occur is that of trust in law enforcement (ISPPR, 2002). According to xxxx (2002): citizens with low trust in local law enforcement give 6. 7 (out of 8) pro-civil liberties responses, while citizens with moderate trust give 5. 4 pro-civil liberties responses, and citizens with high trust give only 4. 7 pro-civil liberties responses. p. 4) These findings are significant to this paper in that the lack of trust in local law enforcement seems as if it is often both the cause and the result of the effects of policing on the community. If people have contact with policing agencies that allows them freedom to do something, then they feel comfortable with the amount of civil liberty that they have and may consider adjustments to that liberty. If individuals in a society feel as if they already have little freedom, then they will necessarily feel as if the amount policing that is permitted should not vary, at least not by increasing it. New Policing† The methods for policing seem to be changing worldwide, shifting from public policing to private policing. These changes seem to be occurring primarily in democratic societies, which have looser control over individuals’ lives. According to Ashcroft (2001), democratic governments can accommodate diverse centers of power, whereas authoritarian regimes cannot. Democratization facilitates restructuring by providing political space into which it can grow. As political pluralism increases, so too do the auspices that want to share responsibility for policing. (p. 28) Why, then, are democratic nations more difficult to police than others might be? The answer appears above: authoritarian regimes maintain control of their citizens by coercion and force, which does not permit decentralized policing of their nations. They do not have the freedom from, not in many capacities, and for this reason their citizens are not at liberty to act or to decide what changes that the government that can affect their lives. ecause they do not have the freedoms â€Å"from† that Americans have, the government can decide what police actions must be taken, when they will be taken, and what form these actions will take. The reason that Americans are so shocked by such events as the Kent State actions, the actions taken at Ruby Ridge or those taken against the Branch Davidians, is that they appear to be so totalitarian. Americans expect better of their le aders and respond with words that indicate they feel betrayed and, sometimes, those betrayed feelings result in votes being withheld. Democratic nations are so difficult to police because their policing mechanisms are so diverse and are so dispersed. In addition, actions taken against the citizens require a reason and a precedent, unlike policing actions in authoritarian or totalitarian states, which need no apparent precedent to act. Conclusion Democratic nations require balance between the citizens, their government, and their policing agencies. Citizens must feel that they have value and that they are safe from unprecedented police actions, even from their own government. Such nations are difficult to police because only authoritarian nations is it possible to have access to the â€Å"easy† method of policing that involves force. While it is not impossible even for a democratic nation to have policing actions that involve force, they incite comment because they are unusual and frequently cause outrage. Policing a democratic nation is difficult because democracy is hard. To accept policing that negatively affects either freedom or liberty–or both–results in a nation that has fewer civil liberties, as well.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Care of a Patient in Acute Pain from a Total Knee Replacement Jahaira Melendez Essay

breast feeding c ar later on a sum up human genu replacement is re solelyy immanent in promoting a speedy and full rec overy for a enduring. In an blast to replicate the genus rude(a) baron to roll and glide as it bends by archting absent damaged b champion and cartilage and successor it with an artificial give voice, penetrative put out pursuance the military operation backside be unbearable. In assisting the unhurried region in go outling the inconvenience unmatchedself would only guarantee the best withholdy possible.With distressingness bid, the patient provide be able to realize follow up c be and exercises to the best of their ability and over 90% of patients who infrago a wide-cut human stifle replacement have fairly results with witnessy and ability to resume execute normal daily activities and minimizing the risks of complications to the functional site. Keywords anguish management, advocatement, total knee replacement, arthritis, prosthetic plow of a Patient in corking wound from a Total genu Replacement A roughhewn medical checkup condition seen in m both aspects of the medical field is arthritis.Arthritis is the inflammation of a enunciate and the to the nobleest degree common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, in like manner cognise as wear and tear. Pain from any medical condition or agency can be very stressful to a patient and hold in any recovery. Arthritis can be diagnosed by performing an x-ray to determine the termination of joint damage. Someone with arthritis of the knee usually has difficulty walking, climbing stairs and getting in and out of chairs. An orthopedic medico can recommend discussions.The most common joint replacement operative intervention to help control and alleviate chronic pang for a patient is a Total Knee Replacement, also known as arthroplasty. A total knee replacement is performed to relieve moderate or severe pain and restore ply in severely diseased knee joints. This procedure is not performed until pain is no longer controlled with non-operative treatment such as weight loss, activity modification, anti-inflammatory medications, joint supplements and cortisone injections. It is also not performed a great deal on younger patients due to the insert wearing out quickly.An orthopedic mendelevium would determine the type of prosthetic have a bun in the ovend in revisal to achieve the most success. There are also modify implants to provide the best possible mental process with long lasting results such as partial knee, rotating knee, gender specific knee and custom knee. To perform the procedure, an orthopedic operating surgeon would administer general anesthesia, which means one is unconscious during operation, or spinal or epidural anesthesia in which a person is awake unless cannot feel any pain from the waist stamp out.During the procedure, the knee is in a bent nonplus to fully expose the joint emerges. An depar tment of 6 to 10 inches (15-25cm) is do on the front of the knee. The kneecap is journeyd diversion and damaged surfaces are cut away. The thigh trick out is cut to match the corresponding surface of the alloy femoral component that is situated on the end of the femur and the shin is prepared with a flat cut on top to fit the metal and tensile tibial component that is inserted into the bone so the femoral component will slide as the knee is bent.If needed, the kneecap is cut flat and fitted with a plastic patella component and plastic spacers are inserted between the metal components for smooth gliding. preliminary to completion, the knee is tested during cognitive operation to get word correct sizing and then closed in(p) with stitches or staples. The procedure would take 1 to 2 hours and recovery would be other 1 to 2 hours and then require a hospital stay of a couple of days. During the hospital stay, encouragement to move the foot and ankle to subjoin daub flow an d close out swelling or clots and blood thinners, support hoses or concretion boots are very big.A breastfeed should also encourage the patient to cough out regularly and take deep breaths to arouse the style of mucus that settles in the lungs during the procedure while being under anesthesia. condole with for a patient in acute pain after a procedure and managing pain levels is a very alpha part of recovery. Without pain control a patient will not be able to achieve recovery levels as quickly as possible without have got other injuries. Acute pain is link to tissue injury secondary to the surgical intervention.Upon streak, didactics on follow up give care is very important. A patient needs to know what to do and what to hitch for as part of their recovery. Vital discharge instructions that a patient essential be taught are * When allowed to shower, usually 3 to 4 days after surgery, carefully wash incision with soap and water, gargle well and gently pat dry. Do n o rub or dedicate creams. * Sit when showering to avoid falls. Avoid soaker to prevent transmissions. Try using non-slip mats, beguile bars and elevated toilet shadow or shower chair to prevent falls. Take pain medications as directed, do not double up doses if any doses are missed and do not drive when winning narcotics, usually closely 6 weeks before it is ok to drive. * If taking a blood thinner, always put forward with physician if it is ok to take ibuprofen or any anti-inflammatory medications* everlastingly sit in chairs with arms to make it easier to stand or sit but only 30 to 45 proceedings at a time. * Sleep with repose under ankle and lapse knee straight but change stage position at night and mickle if tired but dont stay in bed all day. Wear support stockings for about 4 to 6 weeks and do not pivot, wind up or kneel. * Walk up and down stairs with support, one step at a time using good knee to step up and unfavorable knee to step down. As a fall preventio n, always remove lite wires, throw rugs and have good illumination and keep items within reach. * Before and after any activity, ice the area for 30 minutes. Most importantly, teaching about authorisation risks such as nerve damage, stroke, and kindling attack, blood clots in leg vein or lungs or infection should sincerely be emphasized when discussing discharge instructions.Signs of infection would include increase redness, tenderness, swelling and pain of surgical site, stiffness, and fever with temperatures above one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, shaking chills and drainage from site. If any of these symptoms occur, a call to the physician should be made immediately. Recovery will take several(prenominal) weeks during which time crutches or a perambulator will be needed and arrangements for conveyance and everyday tasks will have to be made.Physical activity should be resumed easy with normal household activities, a graduated walking program and knee alter exercises unt il staples or stitches are removed 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Low clashing exercising such as liquid or riding a unmoving bicycle is tolerable but high impact activities such as cut are not recommended due to an increase risk of joint failure because the knee joint components can loosen. During recovery from the surgical intervention, a reserves care to help control acute pain for the patient is one of the most important factors in component part a patient fully recover without further complications.Walking and knee movement begins soon after surgery so less pain would benefit the patient to move sooner and get effectivity back quickly. Pain control can be done with the use of anodyne and non-analgesic relief measures and reporting uncontrolled symptoms immediately. A nurse can assist with pain management interventions such as * playing comprehensive assessment of pain to include location, characteristics, onset, duration, frequency, quality, intensity or severity and set up factors. Always consider cultural differences and in non-verbal patient use the analog pain scale to evaluate pain control measures indispensable * Reducing or eliminating increase pain factors like fear or lack of knowledge * Teaching non pharmacologic techniques like relaxation, massage, guided imagery and perplexity* Checking vitals every 4 hours and neurovascular checks every hour during the graduation exercise 12 to 24 hours then every 2 to 4 hours and always report any defective findings * Providing prescribed analgesics before activity to increase participation and assessing levels of comfort frequently * Initiating visible therapy, exercises and range of motion while teaching and reinforcing the use of techniques to prevent weight bang on affected extremity and recommending business firm health or a replacement facility * Monitoring incision bleeding, change and recording drainage every 4 hours and changing dressing every 24 to 48 hours * Encouraging increased politic intake and high fiber diet, take a crap softener and a well-balanced diet with increased protein * Encouraging use of compression stockings to return swelling. Nursing care of a patient is very crucial in order to help the patient avoid say-so complications with the prosthetic. An infected knee would require surgery to remove artificial parts and antibiotics to use up the bacteria then after clearing the infection another surgery would be required to install a virgin prosthetic.A nurses role in recovery is very important in many aspects of the patients care and the nurse can encourage and support the patient in make the confidence that they are able to perform the necessary steps to gain the ability to restore normal functions. Most importantly, constituent the patient keep pain levels under control by whatever measures are light to the patient should be first in mind. Pain can be the main factor that would prevent a patient from doing any follow care or treatment th ey are required to do in order to keep the prosthetic functioning adequately. The patient should be able to rely on the nurse to keep them in a comfortable state with the assistance of keeping in communication with the physician and without this patient-nurse relationship the patient would not be able to recover properly and achieve goals set as part of their recovery treatment plan.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Executive SummaryMobility, latest trends and technologies are three most significant factors that customer seek today when they walk-in in an electronic item’s outlet. Years before the journey of technology started out from the calculator the most basic computer as we call it. Today how that technology has emerged and the most latest is PDA (Personal Digital System), full computer in a small device to perform click all of the tasks. New Nokia Mobile phone has all the features of a desktop computer, no need of a laptop.You get your product to begin with.The english major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. 73% of college easy going women (18-25) years of age surveyed tune into radio, although the channel loyalty is not there. The most frequent listening occurs after dinner time.This is different from male portable radio listeners as the FM channels are replacing cassettes as a music source while driving, o ther survey shows that second one of the popular source of music are the FM stations, FM 89, 91 and 106.Finding the demographics of your target marketplace will permit you to good tailor the launch strategy to the folks.

180 million), 16.667% of Pakistanis are young. Statistics shows that 60% of population is under 25 that is 2/3rd wired and nearly 10 million are in the urban areas. GEN X and GEN Y is the most experienced  and accessed generation in the human history.A merchandise is a new product procured or produced by the business to meet with the requirements of the customer.Our Secondary objective is to make good profits and make few more products like this with working hand in hand with the fashion and our way would be walking extract from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories.Marketing ResearchMethods of Data collection:Basically there are two methods of data collection:1) Primary Data2) Secondary DataPrimary Data Collection:Primary available Data is that data which is collected specifically for the project at hand. The primary data for our assignment resulted from the unstructured interviews that we conducted from different many friends and family members and also many strangers.Secondary Data Collection:Secondary Data is that data, which has already been collected for some other purpose but can be used as reference material.The aim is getting your product into the industry although delivery methods vary widely based on the product.

In other words, the market we are making is new from where fashion and technology work together but a relatively alike market of mobile phones has a situation that cares more about apps logical and memory than on radio and/or music player. So, we are going to come in with focus on music players and radios deeds that would even make consumers look different by the fashion of earring they’d carry. A new market but has links with the standing strong market of static mobile phones.The ProductIntroduction of product:Now days, mobility is becoming an important factor in electronic devices.A superb product isnt simple to define since itll mean things.Technical and Functional Aspect of the Product:This gross product would be an earpiece connected to a player that would be smaller than a phone. Both the devices would be connected via Bluetooth. Their range of connectivity would vary to many more than 20 square meter so the consumer doesn’t need to keep the device near and playlist functions would increase the ability of gross product to play songs as per the mood of the consumer. Reason of using earrings with the wireless earpiece is to make the product easier good for people to wear and increase the range of our target market.To start with, youre mindful of how much it costs to create your merchandise.

Issue: How to identify the potential outlets?Mission statement:â€Å"We are the followers of the latest trend we strongly believe that fashion develops, we provide the best and quality is never compromised. Technological more flexibility and innovation are the key factors that we emphasize on while shaping a solution for our customers.† Vision statement:â€Å"Innovation†Our product Oriented Definition:â€Å"We manufacture earrings local radio with music player†Our Market Oriented Definition:â€Å"To the trendy and tetchy, Moby X is the radio and music player that provides mobility and a perfect curious blend of fashion and technology that makes you feels different and latest than others.†Target MarketMoby X will form a major share of its domestic market amongst those people who are attracted towards the product with exclusive appearance, unique functionality, style and design.Describe the way your target marketplace free will get your merchandise and also how youll market your goods.The mini chip radio and music player in the earrings itself is fascinating and will communicate on its own towards the people who are engrossed through mini products.Positioning†¢Product Positioning:Moby X would provide higher frequency range compared to other radios available in the market, good will have a long lasting battery and the most important advantage that our product provides is the mix of fashion and technology that various forms our distinctive attribute.Value Proposition:Moby X is a better quality product providing distinctive feature and being a leader makes it more special and different letter from other competing products.  LAPCO using latest Japanese technologies is most reliable and durable.In the product description, you should explain what product or your service is, the particular thrust of apply your strategy and the strategies thatll be used to do your own objectives.

†¢ Complexity: Moby X is easy to use and the first demo CD provided with the product provides the proper guide and features to use the product.†¢ Divisibility: Moby X is an expensive product and initially no discounted rates can be offered.†¢ Communicability: The experience that customers take with them will make its use and only difference spread amongst customers.Market AnalysisBasis of SegmentationDemographic segmentation:Demographics refer to the characteristics of population including such factors as size, distribution and growth, because people constitute market, demographics are of little special interest to market executives.In the end, it is not mysterious and youll be able position to promote your company or to manage a person to deal with advertising for you once you understand how pieces fit together.Any one lying in the income bracket of Rs 50,000+ can afford this productPsychographic Segmentation:The psychographics of the Moby X can be analyzed by r eviewing the advertisement. The lifestyle shown in Moby X advertisements portray successful, sophisticated, professional women who are active energetic and full of life. Behavioral Segmentation:Under this aspect LAPCO Company has based their automatic segmentation on the basis of customer desired benefits. People would prefer buying our product because it’s the first ever product to be launched by LAPCO with radio logical and music player facility which is easy to use, and more over its attractive mix of not only radio and music player great but also as a fashion accessory.The plan has to be accessible to any employee at any given moment.

Proper awareness about the product logical and the setting of the frequencies accordingly so not to affect the ear would have to be justified to the people.Technological:Pakistan is developing technologically and further awareness and further development will assist in improving the product’s functionality.Competitor AssessmentCOMPETITOR ANALYSISMoby X is competing in portable media industry.Major Competitors:Our major competitors are all those manufacturers who are specialized in logical and dealing with microelectronic items, who believe in size and design of product with quality.A well-designed marketing program can help you bring new customers increase awareness of your company and boost sales.COMPETITIVE STRATEGIESDifferentiation:Moby X is an innovation in the arena of radios and all kinds of classical music players. It gives connectivity to the outside world in a way that adds value and beauty to the face.Focus:Moby X is designed especially unlooked for upper middl e class and upper class urban population including GEN X AND GEN Y, fashion followers and trend setters.COMPETITIVE POSITIONMultiple Markets:We what are following the multiple market strategy for Moby X by focusing more towards the upper class and upper middle social class of the society.A promotion program must be determined by where a business ought to be at some point later on.

Since our product is new we great need to do personal selling and convince consumers to buy our product. Then eventually as we gain a foot hold in the market we will have retailers selling our product.Marketing StrategyMARKETING MIXPRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Moby X is broadly classified as consumer product and under this category we define it as a own specialty product because it is a perfect mix of style and technology. It involves strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase efforts by consumers, little comparison of brands and low price sensitivity.The advertising program is an overall responsibility from the advertising staff along keyword with company leaders .It includes 3 years’ money back warranty and a pair of fabulous earrings along with the product. Customers are encouraged to fair share their views about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience through surveys conducted at the outlets. An exclusive website is designed to cater based its customers for solving all  their queries regarding the product. Online purchasing service is also available.Face it is a chore.

3 years (Limited) Warranty.Size – (1/3x 1/3 x 3/8) mm is the size of radio chip. 30 x 20 x 5 mm is the size of the earring. Weight – 1/2 oz is the low weight of the earring radio.Marketing plans might appear intimidating initially, but they are manageable and can be inspirational to collect.BRANDINGBrand Equity:Moby X will establish it with the passage of time because of new its good quality and better understanding of customer needs.Brand Name Selection:Moby X is selected as the brand name because it defines the mobility and easy to around carry feature of the product and X signifies the extra factor that we  provide to our customers in the form of earrings (fashion accessory).Brand Sponsorship:LAPCO is manufacturer’s brand.Brand Development:No extension.There are good essential elements that plans include although advertising strategies can change depending on type of goods or services, the business and the goals you last wish to achieve.

Free demo CD is also given. Product Mix:Initially Moby X is introduced in the form of earring but with the passage of first time it will offer in other versions also like in the form of bracelets, rings, and lockets.Product Life Cycle:Our product is at the introductory early stage of product life cycle stage.PRICEMarketing Objectives:â€Å"To create a market share and to stand out as distinct product amongst the other competitors†Marketing Mix Strategy:The price has been decided based on the competitors logical and customer needs and requirements.The promotion plan makes it possible for the advertising team to examine their prior decisions logical and understand their outcomes to be in a position to get prepared for the future.PRODUCT PRICING STRATEGYComparing competitor’s pricingCompetitorPriceSinclair XI Button RadioRs. 2304.93FM Mini Radios Rs.719.3500.PLACEMENTThe product would be sold through â€Å"Indirect Marketing Intermediary†. The product will be sold through push strategy that is product would be first distributed to the wholesalers and then to retailer. The retailers would assist in creating contact with the other retailers which would expand the network and add value.

Newspaper:Moby X is an expensive and new product. There is need to create awareness amongst people that such a product exists. ‘Dawn’ newspaper would be a better choice to advertise being one for the most popular newspapers in Pakistan. A full page would be dedicated to advertise the product providing  a detail know how of the features and distinctive attributes.Since it is a fashion product also magazines such like SHE, STYLE, SYNERGYZER and MAG would also be used to advertise the product.Billboards:The locations where we have decided to place our advertisements are cell all the upper class areas in the populated cities of Pakistan. For instance the major areas identified all the other malls where luxury electronic item’s outlets how are available advertising would be done by placing billboards. In Karachi, at Teen Talwar, Boat Basin, Shahrah – e – Faisal and other foreign markets like Tariq road, Saddar Mobile mall and the road that leads t o Jinnah International that special offers all the latest songs.Sales Promotion:One free pair of earring apart from the one already provided in the package would be given with the product.Public relations:Brochures providing details of the safety of wood using the product would be distributed in public places. Articles about the working and flexibility in use would be published in a leading magazine to inform the public about the safety in using this product.August: Increase our relative market share and launch our product in other flat major cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad.September: We will start an integrated internet campaign targeting young college students.